Monday, November 20, 2006

I Hate Celebrity

While 'studying' for stats (aka: basically looking around online for anything remotely more entertaining--not exactly a difficult task) I found this disturbing bit of information:

What the fuck? Why is it that people in the entertainment industry think that it's just a natural or logical move to move from one arena of entertainment to another? While I may not completely understand it, I do recognize that famous people tend to think, "I'm a model, so I should be an actor.....I'm an actor, so I should be a singer.....I'm a singer so I should be a model." But going from being a WRESTLER to a BROADWAY ACTOR???? Again, WTF?? This is a new one for me. Have we not learned anything from disasters such as "Get Rich or Die Tryin", anything Jessica Simpson's acted in, or anything that Lindsay Lohan produces (I'm not really sure about how to categorize her in the first place: terrible musician? terrible actor? terrible drunk? I think I'll just go with terrible). But the thing is, sometimes I wonder if I'm in a minority in thinking that these types of 'cross-over' moves are completely pathetic, 'cause I've heard that tickets to this shit show are actually selling.

Oh, and speaking of celebrities: I want to punch Tom Cruise in the face. His level of douchebaggery is quite stunning, really. I've officially stopped looking at newstand magazines, channels other than Showcase or HBO, or popular radio, 'cause it's sick that people are so psyched for his wedding to Katie Holmes. Why do people care? Do you KNOW him? Are you old friends? Are you preparing a speech for the happy couple and their child with the misgiuded name (hahahahaha--they thought it meant princess!)? Are you excited for the open bar and the opportunity to dance (badly) to Michael Jackson songs in a druken stupor? NO! You're not! 'Cause you won' t be there! Instead, you'll be sitting at home watching Brian Mulroney's son make a compelte fool out of himself on E Talk Canada or whatever it's called, breaking down the details of the ceremony in the most vague and obscure fashion possible.

The reason this fires me up so much is that I feel the culture of celebrity and entertainment is now paramount in the lives of most people. Seriously, when I was a TA last year, I could swear that my students thought they were living out storylines from the OC in their lives here in Calgreasy, Alberta. And I hear people say ridiculous things that I'm assuming they're appropriating from mysoginistic, shitty hip hop that bastardizes what fabulous acts ike PE, A Tribe Called Quest, and Grandmaster Flash tried to get going. For example, I bumped into a guy from high school, and he was telling me about breaking up with his girlfriend, and he said "I met her in Mavi's and I left her in Sevens." And why does everyone try to look like a celebrity? U of C is one of the biggest fashion shows I've ever seen! How are people affording this?! And how do they have time to look that good by 9 am in the midst of papers and exams? And last, I'm sooooooooooooooooo sick of this new 'I'm alternative and original' look that's being appropriated from celebrity culture: you know, the skinny jeans, a 'funky' t-shirt (probably purchased at the gap), unusual looking sneakers, a military inspired jacket, and an IPod on, probably blaring the college rock band crap that's popular this week. The reason this chaps my ass is that I've talked to some of these people, and they're the least original people I've ever come across.

Ahhh, that feels better. Back to stats...........


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I know is that I have to try and find more ways to employ the term "Douchebaggery" in everyday conversation.

9:57 PM  

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