Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just Because it's Obscure Doesn't Mean it's Good

A new radio station is currently piloting Calgary: 92.9. I'm sure many of you have heard it/of it already: essentially, it promotes and airs more 'alternative' rock. And it's actually not bad! I've heard Tool, Radiohead, The Shins, Beastie Boys, a lot of Jack Whyte material, and a number of other pretty decent artists you' d be hard pressed to find on shittier, CJay 92-type stations. Most people I talk to are going nuts over it.

However, the introduction of this station has made me reflect on broader issues that this station appears to represent. What I find interesting as a sociologist is the massive movement towards the 'alternative.' It's incredibly paradoxical that the music, art, film, and fashion that has traditionally been the domain of the cultural 'opposition' is now being appropriated by the majority.

So--my question is, if one wants to be 'counter-cultural', does s/he have to reappropriate elements of popular/mainstream culture?? Would it in fact now be 'alternative' to religously listen to Justin Timberlake, buy Ikea art, and buy all of my clothes at Jacob? Hmmmm....I smell a social experiment!

Seriously though, at the root of it all, I think it's unfortunate that people feel the need to categorize themselves so rigidly. Generally, the most creative and fantastic people I know aren't afraid to fluidly pass from 'alternative' to 'mainstream' without the fear of losing face. Something about them always seems a little more honest, or a little less scripted.

And by the way, I think Justin Timberlake is fucking rad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) The Shins are officially dead as an alternative band because they are, as of yesterday, part of The O.C. soundtrack, eeeeks. So be prepared for a lot of squares coming around now finding the Shins "totally awesome".
2) I just bought two sweaters at Jacob, mainly because they were 50% off and I needed a replacement for all the stuff I absent mindedly left behind in various locations all over Germany. So, what does that make me? The biggest looser of all, tragically hip or just hip??
3) I think there is no such thing as being alternative because we all buy into the popular culture and/or its values to a certain degree. The challenge is to be aware of that and critically consume rather than being digested by it.

9:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul...Interestingly enough, likely due to the fact that so many people have now quit smoking, what he said is true...obesity is now...or very close to, the number one strain on the health care system. In the US...I believe it is number 1. While smoking causes cancer and respiratory diseases, think about all the health related issues associated with obesity. There are tons.

Interestingly enough, you can socially and very publicly ostracize smokers...make them go outside and smoke in little huddled masses, tell them right to their faces how gross they are to smoke...but the morbidly obese? While I agree that that they are ostracized systemically and publicly in a most often unspoken manner, how often do you hear people berate them to their face, telling them how gross they are? I wonder how that would go over in open public discourse? Sure, I know the answer is that smokers affect the health of those around them, whereas the obese only affect their own health. Still, an argument can certainly be made of how they inconvenience others with their obesity. As I sit here, I can think of several examples, but I don't dare fuss over them in public, in fear of being perceived as completely heartless.

Still, as a smoker who faces this form of open criticism on a nearly daily basis, I am starting to not really give a fuck about other peoples feelings when it comes to this particular topic.

On another note: I agree...Radio is its terrestrial format anyway. I have had Sirius satellite radio for nearly a year now, and the first day I got it was my last day listening to 'mainstream' radio. I defy anyone else to take the challenge and disagree with me. I actually look forward to listening to the radio now. (And it doesnt matter which you buy...XM or Sirius...unless you are a Howard fan like me)

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it, Bec, and I agree with you!


4:35 PM  

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